BCF Information

Bay City Flyers is one of the premier RC flying Clubs in the Tampa Bay area. Our members fly everything you can imagine. From warbirds, giant scale, foamies, helicopters - you name it, we fly it!

The Club offers programs to introduce the hobby to younger generations, by hosting demonstrations and providing RC flying instructions to local schools and Civil Air Patrol, amongst others. The Club offers free membership to all members 18 and under.

If you are thinking about trying radio control flying, we have several instructors to get you oriented. Instruction is always free of charge.

Club’s mailing address:

Bay City Flyers

c/o Jeff Houck

11425 English Walnut St.

Hudson, FL 34669


Area 52 field’s physical address (this is not a valid mailing address):

22500 state Rd 52

Land O Lakes, FL 34637


Club’s AMA Charter number: 958

Contact AMA today to learn how you can join one of the world's most thrilling and high tech sports, model aviation. Click image below:




Join the International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC), a member supported, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of RC scale aerobatic competition. IMAC is recognized as the primary voice of the scale aerobatic special interest group (SIG) of the AMA. For more information, click image below:




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